How the Volunteer Process Works

Complete the form below and once submitted, we will send you the application and all required forms to fill out to return through email.

Participate in a phone or zoom interview.

Instructions for background checks and Authorization letters will be emailed to you once the interview is complete. The cost of the background check is $35

Successfully complete a mentor orientation session

Only after all of these steps are fully completed can a final decision of acceptance be made.

We always take your program preferences into account when placing mentors in a program, but you may be recommended to start in another program. We want everyone to have a positive mentoring experience and we pair mentors based on that goal.

We match mentors with programs and youth based on many factors like personality, life experiences and background so strong relationships can develop over time.

Prior to you starting program with your match, you will be contacted by the caseworker or program director to discuss particulars of the youth/family.

Before You Start – Please ensure you have read the mentor requirements and time commitments.

Prior to starting the application, please take a moment to gather email and phone contact information of each reference if you are applying to volunteer. We do encourage you to contact your references to confirm that they will be willing and able to complete the reference when we contact them.

If you encounter any issues with this form or have questions prior to starting the application please contact Enrollment team at

[email protected]

Foster Kids United is an inclusive agency and welcomes participation regardless of race, religion, culture, gender or sexual orientation.

This application is for adults (ages 25+) due to the nature of our nonprofit and the target market age we serve.


Foster Kids United Uganda 501c3 All Rights Reserved 2025

Any financial support is tax deductible